Liposuction in Mumbai: Say Goodbye to Unwanted Fat with Confidence


Understanding Liposuction: Overview and Key Information

Here’s your chance to get in shape! Dr. Vashisht Dikshit can give you liposuction surgery and self-confidence that will last a lifetime - book an appointment today.

Liposuction Surgery: Reshaping Your Body by Targeting Stubborn Fat

Liposuction is a surgical process that removes excess fat in specific areas of your body. The procedure can be used by anyone who has tried to lose weight through dieting or exercise with little success, as it takes away the problem at its source - removing stubborn fat without harming healthy surrounding structures like skin and muscle!

Liposuction at a glance

End Result:

After a few months

Socially fit:

After 2-3 days

Fit for desk work:

After 5-7 days


Local Anesthesia with sedation, or general Anesthesia




Low to moderate

Active exercise:

After 3-4 weeks


You may feel pain similar to muscle soreness for a couple of days, a compression garment has to be used for 2-6 weeks

Exploring Different Techniques in Liposuction Surgery

Tumescent Liposuction: Effective Fat Removal

Tumescent liposuction is a popular procedure for individuals who want to get rid of excessive fat from specific regions of the body. To suction out fat, the procedure uses anesthesia and a vessel-constrictor injected beneath the skin. The last step in this process is to use tiny vacuum devices to remove the fat for you.

Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL): Minimizing Incisions

Power-assisted liposuction, often known as PAL, is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery technique that uses special cannulas with a mechanized system to enhance body contouring. This mechanism swiftly moves back and forth, allowing the surgeon to get to the fat easier. Smaller incisions are possible without sacrificing effectiveness thanks to PAL!

Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL): Minimally-Invasive Fat Removal

The (UAL) procedure is a minimally-invasive cosmetic surgery that utilizes sound waves to disintegrate fatty tissue cells and remove the liquid fat. This method works best on fibrous areas such as the back or male breast, or regions where liposuction has previously been done. The ultrasound energy fragments the fat cells, allowing them to be more easily removed by suction. Because of this, the surrounding tissues are less traumatized and recovery time is reduced.

Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LAL): Advanced Fat Removal

Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL) is a less invasive option for removing undesirable fat than classic liposuction. It employs laser therapy and heat, as well as the use of tumescent fluid injections, prior to the procedure.

Identifying the Ideal Candidate for Liposuction: Who Benefits Most from This Procedure

The ideal candidate will have all of the following criteria met:

  • At least 18 years old
  • Non-smokers or ready to quit smoking for whatever length of time is prescribed by Dr. Vashisht Dikshit
  • Physically healthy
  • Unhappy with their appearance

What to Expect During Your Liposuction Consultation: Personalized Guidance and Planning

Dr. Vashisht Dikshit will discuss the following points with you during your liposuction consultation:

  • Your surgical goals, medical conditions, and drug allergies as well as any treatments you may be currently undergoing
  • Dr. Vashisht Dikshit may also ask about previous surgeries if there have been any procedures in this area already
  • Dr. Vashisht will also discuss the most likely outcomes of the liposuction procedure and any risks or potential complications

Step-by-Step Guide to Liposuction Procedure: Understanding the Surgical Process

  • Liposuction is generally done under general anesthesia with intravenous sedation.

  • Local anesthesia is given during liposuction on a smaller area. This ensures that the patient feels nothing during the procedure.

  • Depending on the type of technique utilized, the fat cells that must be removed are first released from their current location and then extracted via a cannula.

  • Fat extraction by suctioning should be done with great care to avoid injuring the underlying tissue.

  • If any extra skin remains after extracting the fat, it is removed and the small incision is closed.

Liposuction may be used in conjunction with other procedures, such as tummy tuck, gynecomastia, body lift, and others.

Areas Where Liposuction Can Be Performed

Areas Where Liposuction Can Be Performed

Cost Considerations for Liposuction Surgery in Mumbai: Factors Influencing Pricing

When it comes to liposuction, insurance doesn’t cover the procedure because it is a cosmetic surgery. The price of liposuction can vary quite a bit, depending on a number of factors:

  • Type of liposuction
  • Type of anesthesia
  • Number of areas to be treated
  • Consultation fees
  • Fees of the surgeon
  • Cost of the surgical facility
  • Cost of the dressings, tests, and post-surgery garments.

Benefits of Liposuction: Achieving a Sculpted and Toned Body

A few benefits of liposuction are:

  • Safe and effective fat removal
  • Reduces the appearance of cellulite
  • Tones your body even if diet and exercise haven’t worked
  • Boosts self-esteem

The majority of patients may be discharged from the surgical facility on the same day. The pressure garments should be worn as long as the doctors deem necessary. Most patients will be advised to keep it on for three to four months.

The area that was liposuctioned appears slightly swollen. In most cases, the swelling dissipates in two weeks.

Light activity can be resumed after 3-7 days. After two weeks, light weights may be lifted. At this time, one can return to full-time work.

Potential Complications Associated with Liposuction: Safety Considerations

As with any surgery, there are certain risks associated with liposuction. These include anesthesia risks, bruising at the sites of incisions, seroma, hematoma, chances of infection, and temporary numbness on the site of surgery. In rare cases, liposuction can also lead to undesirable results. However, Dr. Vashisht Dikshit takes utmost care to make sure these risks don’t turn into a reality.


Remove Excess Fat and Sculpt Your Body Today with Liposuction: Enhance Your Contours

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Discover the Doctor Behind the Transformations

Dr. Vashisht Dikshit is an internationally trained plastic surgeon with a primary interest in aesthetic surgery. He completed his plastic surgery training in Bangalore and earned a double fellowship in aesthetic medicine and surgery under nationally and internationally acclaimed surgeons after that.

Dr. Vashisht Dikshit believes in taking the time to understand patients and their individual needs and goals. Dr. Vashisht provides the highest quality care possible and ensures that every patient feels comfortable and confident in their decision to undergo cosmetic treatment.

If you are considering plastic surgery, Dr. Vashisht Dikshit can provide you with the results you desire safely and effectively.

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