Life As a Plastic Surgeon: A Day in the Life of Dr. Vashisht Dikshit

Life As a Plastic Surgeon: A Day in the Life of Dr. Vashisht Dikshit

As a plastic surgeon, I understand the importance of having a strong doctor-patient relationship. Patients should feel comfortable discussing their aesthetic goals and expectations with me, as well as any concerns they may have with certain procedures. I also know that it’s important for patients to know more about me and connect with me on a personal level apart from knowing my professional credentials. It helps create an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding between myself and my patients.

In this blog, I want to give you a glimpse into my world as a plastic surgeon - let’s get started!

Why I Chose to Become a Plastic Surgeon: My Journey and Inspiration

I decided that I wanted to pursue medicine when I was in school. I first wanted to be a neurosurgeon, not knowing what it entailed. What drew me to surgery was the fact that I could directly make a difference. See something wrong? Surgeons could fix it. Being a lover of art, plastic surgery was an easy choice. Few specialties make a difference like plastic surgery does. I’ve always maintained that while other fields save lives, plastic surgery enriches lives. I viewed the finesse required as a challenge.

I was initially drawn toward hand surgery. The intricacy of the hand fascinated me. However, as I proceeded with my training in plastic surgery, I realized my heart truly lay with aesthetic surgery. No other specialty merged art with science like aesthetic surgery. I found myself more passionate about the potential to transform people’s lives through aesthetic surgery. I still enjoy hand surgeries, but my focus has evolved toward aesthetics.

Plastic surgeons often deal with treating deformities – especially those sustained after burns or trauma. I find it extremely rewarding to be able to help the patient get over the physical traumatic memories, so they can better heal the emotional and mental aspects of their injuries. Transgender patients are another group who go through extreme prejudice and struggles. I try my best to help them in their transition.

At the end of the day, I feel a great sense of accomplishment knowing that I have used my knowledge and skills to make someone else’s life better in some way. This is why my routine as a plastic surgeon always starts with gratitude.

A Glimpse Into My Morning Routine: How I Start My Day as a Surgeon

The life of a plastic surgeon is often described as being one full of stress, long hours, and little time for yourself. While there may be some truth to these statements, it doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to create a balance between work and home life. As a plastic surgeon, it is my responsibility to take care of myself just as much (if not more) than my patients, so that I can provide the best possible care.

My day usually begins around 6-6:30 am with a cup of black coffee. I make it a point to not look at my phone first thing in the morning, and instead take a moment to breathe, and really wake up and prepare for the day. I love to have my coffee outside in my garden. The morning air and greenery are the perfect fresheners! I then take a moment to pray and express my gratitude for the day ahead. My belief in God or a higher power might not be scientific, but it keeps me grounded and is a source of comfort.

I like to wake up earlier than I need to. Over time, I’ve found that any kind of hassle or rush in the morning can really mess up my mind, and I like to be calm because that’s when I’m at my best. Plastic surgeons are calm by design, as our work needs us to be focussed and clear-headed. By the time I get to my office, I’m ready to tackle the day. Before diving into work though, I like to review all my scheduled surgeries for the day and make sure that everything is in order. This helps me plan ahead so that each patient can receive individualized care.

The Operating Room: Behind the Scenes of My Surgical Procedures

The operating theatre is where I’m in my element. I love calling it a theatre instead of the operating room because of the sense of drama. It’s almost like a show. With leading actors, supporting characters, understudies, and technicians. A well-performed surgery proceeds like a perfectly choreographed play.

Celebrating a Successful Surgery with My Amazing Team

Celebrating a Successful Surgery with My Amazing Team

As much as surgeons get credit and attention for surgery, they would be lost without the others who are involved. Every single person involved has to function in perfect harmony — all to give the patient the result they dream of. The anesthetist is often overlooked, but they play such a vital role in keeping you healthy and making sure you wake up feeling like nothing ever happened. The nurses and the technicians ensure you get the instruments you want without you even mentioning them. A good team is essential to ensure efficiency.

The same principles that apply in the operating theatre can be applied to my life as a surgeon. Like all aspects of work, it’s important to strike a balance between work and personal life in order to remain productive and successful.

How I Balance My Work and Personal Life: Maintaining Harmony and Well-being

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a tall ask for medical professionals. Especially those that are starting out their careers. Part of the reason I chose aesthetic surgery as my specialty is that I get more control over my time, so I can also spend time with my family and friends, and enjoy every bit of what life has to offer.

Quality time with family and friends

Quality time with family and friends

Another key to maintaining a balance is to love what you do. And I’m fortunate that what I do is extremely rewarding for me. I feel honored to be able to help patients, and I’m grateful for the opportunity life has given me. This goes a long way in dealing with a demanding profession like medicine. I make it a point to tell this to every aspiring doctor.

It’s difficult to maintain a good life outside of work, and it’s something I’m learning at the moment too. It’s imperative to not be disheartened. And having a supportive spouse has helped me leaps and bounds. We make it a point to spend time together and do things we both enjoy – even if it’s just something as simple as eating dinner in bed while binge-watching a series.

Embracing Life's Adventures with My Supportive Partner

Embracing Life's Adventures with My Supportive Partner

Making Memories That Last a Lifetime

Making Memories That Last a Lifetime

This is something I live by — Surround yourself with people who support you, love you, and who will not hesitate to pull you up when you slip. And do the same for the people you love. Life isn’t about work. Life is about the people you meet along the way.

Being a plastic surgeon is not just a profession but a passion that drives me every day. I find fulfillment in helping patients achieve their desired transformations. None of this would be possible without the incredible team I work with and the balance I maintain between my professional and personal life. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to continuing to provide exceptional care to all my patients.

If you have any questions or would like to explore the possibilities of plastic surgery, don’t hesitate to reach out. I am here to guide you through your transformation.

Dr. Vashisht Dikshit
Dr. Vashisht Dikshit

About the Doctor

Dr. Vashisht Dikshit is an internationally trained plastic surgeon with a primary interest in aesthetic surgery. He completed his plastic surgery training in Bangalore and earned a double fellowship in aesthetic medicine and surgery under nationally and internationally acclaimed surgeons after that. Dr. Vashisht Dikshit believes in taking the time to understand patients and their individual needs and goals. Dr. Vashisht provides the highest quality care possible and ensures that every patient feels comfortable and confident in their decision to undergo cosmetic treatment. If you are considering plastic surgery, Dr. Vashisht Dikshit can provide you with the results you desire safely and effectively.

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